Would you pay $60 to upgrade your 16GB iPhone to 128GB?

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Even with iPhone 7 just around the corner some of you are going to hang on to your current 16GB iPhone 6 or 6s models. But there’s one thing that you’re probably frustrated with: storage capacity. Rumor has it that Apple is finally killing the 16GB iPhone storage capacity and starting the iPhone 7 at 32GB and that is a long time coming. But not everyone is going to buy a new iPhone 7, so wouldn’t it be great to upgrade that 16GB iPhone 6 or 6s to 128GB for just $60? Well, if you live in China or plan on traveling to China, you can do just that. There are shops in China that will take apart your 16GB iPhone and replace the flash storage, check out the video below from BeSound detailing how it’s done.

So of course, if you’re planning on doing this, it will void your warranty hard. But in most cases, your warranty is probably gone anyway. Apple’s price difference between a 16GB and 128GB is $200 so it’s understandable why people didn’t opt for larger storage capacity. The downside here is, you’ll have to get to Shenzhen China to get this done, or find a way to send your phone there and get it back. But for users who travel to China and are out there already, this might be a good option for you.

We probably won’t see this service here in the States as the parts used would likely violate some sort of Apple policy. Shops like this would be shut down pretty quickly here in the States but it sure would be nice to have the option if we could. Most people believe that once you purchase a device, you should be able to do whatever you want with it, of course Apple doesn’t hold to that belief.

Are you going to China any time soon? Is this something you would do to expand your storage? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Last Updated on January 23, 2017.


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