point of sale


Casio Announces Android Powered POS Terminals

photo courtesy communityfoodcoop.wordpress.com
used for reference only

Casio announced they’re rolling out new Point Of Sale terminals that are powered by Android. Which means the next time you go to the grocery store the cashier could be using an Android powered cash register and playing Angry Birds while they check you out. All joking aside, this is a pretty cool next step for an OS that continues to show it’s versatility. From Android phones and tablets to Chromebooks and business applications it seems Google and its Android system are truly making a run. I opine often about competition and the need for tech companies to continue to make in roads like this. I feel strongly about that because it should be keeping them on their toes, which is good for us the consumer. Check out Casio’s full press release about their new Android POS Terminals below. And let us know what you think about Android starting to make its way into other consumer and business products. You can hit us up in the comments below or on Google+, Twitter and Facebook. Our social links are to the left of your screen.

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