
32 Million Twitter Logins Up For Sale


Twitter has been in the spotlight this week with the NFL’s account getting hacked as well as Mark Zuckerberg, Tenacious D and several other celebrities. Those hacks were linked to the LinkedIn breach of 2012 that saw account details of 117 million users leaked. It appears this new hack is the result of a malware or virus and one hacker named Tessa88 is selling the 32 million Twitter logins online for 10 bitcoins per copy. The current conversion for bitcoin means if you want a copy of these Twitter logins it will set you back just over $5,700 USD. Twitter believes these logins were harvested from malware and virus programs users may have been infected with. They are confident that their systems were not hacked directly and that their security is intact.


Twitter credentials are being traded in the tens of millions on the dark web. LeakedSource has obtained and added a copy of this data to its ever-growing searchable repository of leaked data. This data set was provided to us by a user who goes by the alias “[email protected]”, and has given us permission to name them in this blog.

LeakedSource is a search-engine capable of searching over 1.8 billion leaked records — an aggregation of data from hundreds of disparate sources. We have been able to accumulate this data over a relatively short period of time through a combination of deep-web scavenging and rumor-chasing. Occasionally these efforts lead to major discoveries (e.g. Myspace.com, LinkedIn.com, Badoo.com), but we really aren’t too picky. If we come across a leaked database from a company that most people haven’t heard of, we will incorporate it into our master database just the same.

Changing your Twitter logins is probably a good idea right now, also adding two factor authentication would help keep you protected. Twitter isn’t going to be the only one affected by such hacking methods, other networks will likely feel the sting as internet social networking just continues to grow.

What do you think of the latest Twitter security drama? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

[button link=”http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-36488814″ icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: BBC[/button][button link=”https://www.leakedsource.com/blog/twitter” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Leaked Source[/button]

Last Updated on January 23, 2017.


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