
Here are three tips to securing your Magento website


Today, Magento is the leader when it comes to e-commerce online platforms. According to a recent survey, Magento is the league leader by a wide margin among its peers, it has a staggering 26% percent share of the market. You can just imagine how the other 74% is shared by thousands of other online platforms. Thus, Magento has now become the favorite target by online criminals that aim to wreak havoc to the clients of Magento in hopes of defaming the reputation of the company. And of course, like all criminals, they also aim to take advantage and gain a lot from your Magento website.

If you are running your online business through Magento support packages, then you definitely need to pay attention to the security of your database. Like traditional businesses, you need to carefully control and monitor the different accesses of your business, this way you will be able to prevent unwanted access that will potentially hinder your operations to the point of even closing it down. To help you increase your security we have listed 3 tips below that will surely elevate the level of your site’s security.

1. Take advantage and enhance the security features of your website

There are many security features and firewalls that will allow you to protect your website and its content. Using and taking advantage of them will surely minimize if not eliminate the risk of penetration by online criminals. First is by using unique passwords, when creating passwords, be sure to that your passwords are completely unpredictable and unrelated to you or your business. Names, date of set-up, birthday must never be used as passwords.

Try to create a unique password that is strong; a combination of upper and lowercase with numbers is the ideal composition of a strong password. Secondly, is to change the admin path location. A lot of people access their admin dashboard through name-of-site/admin which makes it a very easy target for hackers. If you want to avoid it then you can change the admin path to a different path like /door code or /store password; this will make hackers have a hard time accessing your admin site.

Using unique passwords will help keep you secure.

The third is to use multi-layer authentications on your website, as the value or sensitivity of the information increases, fewer people should be given access to it. This will make it easier to control and monitor. And finally, try to eliminate FTP protocols as they are easily hacked or interceptable. Changing to SFTP will make your processes hard to detect and intercept.

2. Update Magento regularly

Magento with their reputation as the best company for e-commerce sites surely has their own share of online attacks. Thus, their team of developers have been constantly developing and updating the platform in order to ward off new kinds of online threats. Be updated with the latest news about Magento through their community of users and developers. As soon as you hear that a stable update is out, quickly update your system and make use of the latest security updates.

3. Backup your files regularly

Even if you have the best and strongest security, there is still that tiny risk that your website will be penetrated by online threats. Therefore, creating offsite back-ups will be your last lifeline. It pays to be safe and extra careful especially in handling your business. Try to establish a regular date for backing up your files and database. This way you will be able to quickly recover in case your online site gets compromised in the future.

*The opinions and tips in this article of those of its authors and do not reflect the Techaeris staff

Last Updated on August 11, 2019.


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