God Complex #6 review: A world of futuristic cyberpunk

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God Complex (Image Comics) is THE Cyberpunk comic book of the moment. It has a detective that things keep going wrong for (Seneca), it has a world that is dark and filled with technology, and it has mystery brought forth by the deaths of three acolytes from a church. It also has a group of rulers based on Egyptian looks and mythological names (think the Egyptian dog face, but mechanical and wearing a nice suit).

We follow Seneca, newly outfitted with augmented arms (and other parts), after nearly dying in a previous issue. He’s gone into the machine and is looking for the person who murdered those three acolytes. This takes him below the church of the Trinity where someone has been waiting for him for a long time. Someone who the Rulers are determined to kill. Do you want to know more? Please go buy this series then — it’s well worth it. The story is complex by design and it is beautiful for that complexity.

God Complex #6I’ll admit, this issue isn’t the best book to come in on. You really need to go back and start with the first issue, but if you pick this one up first, it’s got the goods to get you hooked, you will ask questions, and you will want to go back and catch up. It will be worth it.

The God Complex universe was created and designed by Bryan Lie while writer Paul Jenkins has weaved an incredible and complex story that is dark and enticing at every turn. Artist/Cover Artist Hendry Prasetya’s art pops off the panel and makes you want to walk through this cyberpunk spectacle if you really could. This is a world suited for VR.

Wrap Up

God Complex is why Image Comics is so great for creators and artists out there. You can come up with these new worlds or creative takes on worlds we’ve speculated about and just explode in all the creativity that major publishers would probably ignore. The only real downside of God Complex is that the creative team seems to push deadlines. I can give them a pass on that though because the creative work they are putting out is in a word: amazing.


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