Fortnite Season 5 Week 1 challenges: SMG damage, treasure maps, and more

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Fortnite Season 5 is here with new improvements, bug fixes, double pump fixes (finally), a new area, and more! There are all new challenges that allow for players to get more emojis, skins, pickaxes, XP, and V-Bucks. Things are a little different this season in regards to the challenges. Epic games has split up the challenges which allows players who don’t have a Battle Pass to get some things done each week. Those who did purchase a Battle Pass will still see the same challenges with some bonuses for having the Pass.

Diving right into the challenges. There are still seven of them, but as mentioned above, they’ve been split into two groups each with their own “hard” challenge. Those who do not have the Battle Pass will have to deal 500 damage to opponents with SMGs. Nothing too difficult. The second challenge is to search one Llama Supply. The third challenge is to get three eliminations with clingers, stink bombs, or grenades. This one might be the most problematic for players since it’s not always easy to get these types of eliminations.

Those players with the Battle Pass will still get the three challenges mentioned plus these next four. In the first challenge you will need to search seven chests in Snobby Shores. In the second challenge you will need to find seven floating Lightning Bolts. In the third challenge, you will need to Follow the Treasure Map in Risky Reels. Finally, in the fourth challenge. You will need to eliminate three opponents in Retail Row.

Week 1 challenges


  • Deal damage with SMG to opponents (500): 5 Battle Stars
  • Search Llama Supply (1): 5 Battle Stars
  • Hard: Clinger, Stink Bomb or Grenade Eliminations (3): 10 Battle Stars

Battle Pass

  • Search Chests in Snobby Shores (7): 5 Battle Stars
  • Search floating Lightning Bolts (7): 5 Battle Stars
  • Hard: Follow the Treasure Map in Risky Reels: 10 Battle Stars
  • Hard: Eliminate opponents in Retail Row (3): 10 Battle Stars

Check back next week for season 5 week 2 to see what Epic Games has in store for all those who like getting challenges done first and then taking out enemies and claiming victory as the last one standing.

What do you guys and gals think about the Season 5 Week 1 Fortnite challenges? Are they easy enough to get done in a few days of grinding? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.


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