Online SMS: Highly-effective text messaging use cases in the e-commerce industry


Text messaging is considered one of the most effective methods of driving traffic to an e-commerce store. According to a recent study, it has been found that more than 60% of the business struggled with generating leads in 2020. But the other 40% who had great success used text messages to talk to their customers. 

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One of the significant advantages of using text messaging is its high open-rate. According to research, text messages have a 98% open rate that makes them more to be read than any other form of marketing method. It makes SMS an effective method to keep existing customers engaged with the business. Moreover, SMS marketing also offers additional convenience over the competition.

If you really want to increase traffic to your store, you can’t afford to ignore the several applications of SMS marketing. These uses of text messaging help bring more customers to the store and increase your sales.

Send notifications 

One of the obvious use of online SMS marketing includes sending reminders and notifications to customers. To work smoothly, ensure that your SMS app offers integrations with your other marketing campaigns as well as sales tools. There are several potential uses to drive your traffic and sales, such as:

Order and delivery confirmation

The wait for a new purchase is more frustrating for customers when they are unaware of how their order is progressing. Sending automated order updates with the help of SMS is an added convenience for busy customers. It is fascinating to know that there is no need to log in and navigate your site to check their order status.

Repeat purchase reminders

If customers have bought something that they need to repurchase regularly, you can use an SMS marketing strategy to remind them each month to order again. For example, if you are the owner of an online pet store. You know that all your customers will need to bring food for their pets. You can also send a reminder every month when they are almost out of pet food from their preferred brand. In this way, your customers will be happier to receive this reminder to save them time.

Purchase Follow-Up Messages

In addition to notifying customers regarding their order, there are also advantages to texting your customers after they have purchased and receiving your product. It shows the customers that you care by proactively approaching them. Moreover, by sending follow-up texts, you can identify and address all the issues they might have before deciding not to use your business again.

Purchase Follow-Up Messages

In addition to notifying customers regarding their order, there are also advantages to texting your customers after they have purchased and receiving your product. It shows the customers that you care by proactively approaching them. Moreover, by sending follow-up texts, you can identify and address all the issues they might have before deciding not to use your business again.

Online SMS: Highly-effective text messaging use cases in the e-commerce industry

Common use cases for business texting 

Let’s take a look at some of the top business texting use cases.


Instead of emailing or calling to schedule routine appointments such as medical checkups, annual policy reviews for insurance coverage, and vehicle oil changes, businesses use texts to get the attention of their customers. It is fascinating to know that online SMS software allows businesses to schedule texts in advance. 

Customer Service/Support

Keep in consideration that assisting a customer by texting is the most efficient and cost-effective way rather than speaking with them over the phone. It is also convenient and discreet as no one likes to wait on hold for the next available phone operator. SMS strategy helps to improve the overall efficiency.


Adding an appointment to the calendar is one of the helpful reminders regarding an upcoming appointment. However, receiving a text message from the business is a nice backup plan. From a business point, sending a text reminder the day before a scheduled appointment.


Texting is a personal medium. It is a best practice for salespeople not to use it as their first point of contact. However, once introductions have been made, a text message makes more sense. SMS marketing strategy is also ideal for quick follow-ups and inquiries to check in with a potential customer to see if there is any question about the product or service you have been discussing.

Accounting and Finance

With businesses needing to negotiate more turbulent waters as they are turning to the industry for guidance. It means that revenues for the sector are at an all-time high. How the accounting and finance industry use SMS Marketing? The professionals who are spending more time away from their computers can adopt this useful way for keeping all the contacts updated on ongoing projects or issues. They can arrange and confirm the meetings, confirm document requests as well as many more administrative tasks.

Along with this, it is also the best way to share industry news bulletins and blog posts. It helps keep the clients fully up to date with the information, helping accounting and finance brands to give their customers value and maintaining their status as thought their fields.


Recruiters use a wide range of tools while looking for and screening job candidates. Calls are for initial phone interviews, but SMS software with auto-reply helps a lot speed up the process in other ways like fielding inquiries, collecting documents, and scheduling in-person interviews with employers. It is also the best way to follow up with a candidate to gauge how they felt in the interview.

Shipment Tracking

Are you waiting for a package?  We all know that waiting can cause some people anxiety if the recipient can’t be home during the expected delivery date. However, receiving a text with real-time shipping updates helps relieve some of that stress. Companies also ask that customers provide feedback regarding the delivery that can help them improve their services.


A well-timed SMS creates a demand for a product that a company offers. If any business or brand is one that the consumer frequently shops, they’ll want to know about a promotion. An SMS strategy does a better job of accomplishing than sending an email that the customer may not see for days. It significantly depends on how often the customers check their inboxes.

No doubt, email is a common form of communication, but some business situations are better handled by SMS. Keep in consideration that outside sales teams and employees, and jobs that don’t involve a computer rely on their smartphones while communicating with others. However, sending and receiving SMS is more convenient than checking emails and making phone calls.

What are your thoughts on text messaging and online SMS in the e-commerce industry? Please share your thoughts on any of the social media pages listed below. You can also comment on our MeWe page by joining the MeWe social network.

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