T-Mobile security breach numbers keep going up


The T-Mobile security breach story keeps getting worse. Now it’s been revealed that an additional 5.3 million customers have been impacted by the security breach bringing the total to more than 53 million users. Initially, the number had been just over 47 million customers, and given the way things are going, there may be more.

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T-Mobile has added the 5.3 million number alongside another 667K former customers to the tally. Data included in this security breach includes dates of birth, phone numbers. Still, it says no proof of credit card or financial data being exposed, but social security numbers were exposed.

Purandar Das, Co-founder and the chief security evangelist from Sotero, provided this statement to Techaeris about the T-Mobile security breach:

“The public needs more information on this particular incident. The initial reports indicate that data, including Social Security numbers, was lost. The next statement indicates that no payment information was lost. This is indicative of trying to minimize data loss.

Also concerning is that they seem to have lost information related to prospects that applied for credit. In all reality, there really is no more sensitive information that can be lost. The payment information is really less relevant here if the criminals have the information to procure new credit using the stolen info. Also needed is the reason and method this data was compromised.

The fact that, in this day and age, a well-funded organization is an emphatic data point on how organizations continually underestimate the complexity of their data ecosystems. It is also a reflection of organizations that are reluctant to change their stand on the security approach and the technologies they think they understand.”

Purandar Das

You may want to buckle up for the ride because there may be more T-Mobile hasn’t said about this security breach just yet.

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