Assassin’s Creed Unity – Zombie Style!


What happens when Ubisoft teams up with Rob Zombie and Tony Moore? You get Assassin’s Creed Unity Presents: Rob Zombie’s French Revolution.

Rob Zombie, yes the musician but also writer and director of such over the top horror flicks as House of 1000 CorpsesThe Devil’s Rejects, the Halloween reboot, and The Lords of Salem, has teamed up with Ubisoft and the co-creator of The Walking Dead, Tony Moore, to share his vision of the chaotic and bloody French Revolution.

I’ve watched this a couple times and I will admit that I’m a big fan of the illustrations and style presented by Tony Moore.

Assassin’s Creed Unity Illustration by Tony Moore
Assassin’s Creed Unity Illustration by Tony Moore

If an Assassin’s Creed game came out in this style, I’d definitely be near the front of the line to play it!

Check out the animated short in it’s entirely below – we will warn you though, being a Rob Zombie production it is gory in more than a couple of spots:

So, whaddya think? Too gruesome?  Not gruesome enough? Was it what you expected given the involvement of Rob Zombie and Tony Moore? What other historic event or time period would you like to see Rob Zombie tackle next?

Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Facebook, or Twitter!

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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