Apple Kicks Off Beats Music Campaign

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After some speculation, some Internet leaks, and some crazy childish Facebook videos, we finally got official word that Apple did indeed buy Beats by Dre (now Beats Music). There has been much wonder and drawn conclusions as to why Apple wanted to buy such an established hardware brand.

This purchase was, after all, a bit of head scratcher and out of Apple’s normal realm of purchases. Many of the voices giving reasons pointed towards Beats Music service as the catalyst in this purchase, and maybe they were right. Today Apple kicked off their official involvement in the Beats Music app with an email to Apple users asking them to download the app.

Apple’s iTunes Radio isn’t that great of an experience and as an iPhone user I don’t even touch it, I do however, use Spotify and Google Play Music. Wrapping Beats Music into the Apple family could give Apple a little more of a play in the streaming music market. No word or idea on what will happen to iTunes Radio, though I feel it could be phased out slowly. Beats Music is probably just the start of a larger plan for software and hardware for Apple.

It remains to be seen what they will do with the rather expensive Beats hardware but don’t doubt that it may end up co-branded with Macs and iOS. Whether or not this will be a recipe for success remains to be seen, but Apple’s Beats investment wasn’t cheap. You can bet they will do all they can do to make it succeed.

What do you think of Beats Music launching (officially) part of the Apple family? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Facebook and Twitter.

[button link=”#” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Apple Email[/button]

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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