
Apple Releases iOS 8.0.2 To Fix Major iOS 8.0.1 Flaws


Apple has just pushed out iOS 8.0.2 to their iOS users so check those updates. Apple’s past few weeks have been a roller coaster to say the least. Everything from auto installing U2’s latest album on everyone’s iDevices to iCloud celebrity nude photos being leaked and bending iPhone 6 Plus’s (#bendgate) to a major iOS 8 flaw, they just can’t seem to catch a break at all. iOS 8.0.1 seemed to have broken Touch ID and cell service in many people’s iPhone’s, some were unaffected (like mine).


But it was enough that Apple pulled the update before everyone received it and now a day later they say the bugs are worked out. My devices are currently updating to iOS 8.0.2 so I’m crossing my fingers.

Head over to your Settings menu and smash that check for updates button to see if yours is available! Or you might just wait a bit and see if we start getting reports of more issues. My guess is Apple has probably gotten it right this time, if not, they’re going to sure get an internet mouthful from a whole lot of people. Are you updating now to iOS 8.02? Let us know how it goes! Report back in the comments below or on Google+, Facebook and Twitter!



Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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