Motorola Keylink Announced – Never Lose Your Keys And/Or Phone Again


Motorola has been tearing it up lately!  Ever since the split from Google, they’ve had a pretty good run.  This year’s Moto X looks amazing, the Nexus 6 is so popular that nobody can seem to get their hands on one, Moto 360, Moto Hint, and on and on they go.  Today, Moto came out of left field with the rather unexpected announcement of their new key-fob, Motorola Keylink.  With Keylink on your keychain, you’ll be less likely to lose your phone or your keys, as long as you’ve got one or the other.  Is the Keylink a one trick pony?  Hardly!

Keylink will connect with your Android or iOS device by way of Moto’s Connect app.  Once connected via Bluetooth, you’ll be able to find your keys via a map on your phone.  That’s not all though, say you have your keys, but not your phone.  Keylink can make your phone ring from up to 100 feet away.  That ought to make it easier to find after it slips between the couch cushions or something.  If that weren’t enough, Keylink can also keep select Android phones unlocked using Lollipop’s smart lock feature.  You can rest easy knowing that if your keys and your phone are apart, curious eyes won’t be able to pry into your device.  The Keylink is also water-resistant – it can take a few splashes, but don’t soak or dunk the thing, and is said to last an entire year one one replaceable coin-cell battery.

So how much would you expect to pay for such a device?  $100?  $200?  No!  You can order Motorola’s Keylink key fob on their website right now for the low price of $25.  Check it out at the source link below, and let us know if you end up ordering one for yourself!  What do you think about the Motorola Keylink?  Let us know in the comments or on Google+, Facebook, or Twitter.

[button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Motorola[/button][button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Via: Slashgear[/button]

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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