European Parliament Considering Breaking Google Up


There is no question who the dominant company is in Internet search, Google. That dominance doesn’t stop in America either. Google’s near monopoly of search extends through the entire Internet world (Google takes 90% of the European market). This is the reason why European Parliament is moving forward with a non-binding resolution that is proposing the breakup of Google in the European Union. Parliament is suggesting that by doing this it will effectively end Google’s stronghold over Internet search, at least in Europe. While Parliament doesn’t have any actual power to enact the legislation, this non-binding resolution could influence the European Commission to take the action Parliament is seeking against Google.

It’s a strong expression of the fact that things are going to change,” said Gary Reback, a U.S. attorney who has filed complaints on behalf of companies against Google over fair search. “The parliament doesn’t bind the commission for sure, but they have to listen.

Google’s been accused of essentially playing with their algorithms to drive traffic to hand picked sites of their choosing, no proof of this exists but their search dominance puts them in a defensive position. Google has declined to comment on the European Parliament resolution but there is confidence brewing that it will be successful in moving the Commission. Google is going to have a battle on its hands as this resolution could have a huge impact on its business and could lead to other governments who may feel the same way about Google. Reuters full report at the source link below has some great information you should check out. What do you think of the European Parliament’s actions against Google? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Facebook and Twitter.

[button link=”″ icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Reuters[/button]

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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