Ryan Reynolds Didn't Leak The Deadpool Test Footage, But He Would Have

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Ryan Reynolds recently talked with MTV while at the Sundance Film Festival to discuss the upcoming Deadpool movie. The merc with a mouth’s big screen debut has been a long time coming, and based on Reynolds’ apparent excitement for the project, it seems to be in good hands.
On thing in particular that Ryan Reynolds was asked was if it was him who leaked the test footage that surfaced on the Internet shortly after Comic Con last year. While he of course said no, jokingly citing that he would have “FOX lawyers so far up my ass they could smell Wade Wilson’s feet,” he did also say that he would have done it with no hesitation, looking back on it.

No, no, no I didn’t leak it. But I would have. Looking back now, in a heartbeat. I should go home and scan the old hard drive and see what I’ve got in there

The most promising thing to come out of the interview is that Reynolds feels the film is “the movie we want to make.” We in this case of course being himself, director Tim Miller, and screenwriter Rhett Reese. The latter of whom took to Twitter shortly after the test footage leaked and urged Deadpool fans to put the pressure on 20th Century Fox to finally give him his own standalone film.

It’s been a long time, but it’s happened in the right way and that’s all that matters. We don’t have the kind of money that most superhero movies do, but that’s great, actually. Necessity is the mother of invention, and that’s why we get to make the movie we want to make.

An excited actor who is perfect the role, a dedicated writer and director, and no real reason to worry about the film being PG-13. Things are really looking up for ‘ole Wade Wilson (outside of comics book that is…).
[button type=”button” link=”http://www.mtv.com/news/2059223/ryan-reynolds-deadpool/” variation=”btn-danger” target=”blank”]Source: MTV[/button]

Last Updated on November 28, 2018.


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