
UPDATED: Game Of Thrones Season Five Trailer Leaks Online


Well that didn’t take long. Just one day after debuting exclusively in IMAX theaters, the Game of Thrones Season Five trailer has leaked online. All the dragons, Jon Snows and bearded Tyrions you could ever want are present – with so much more hinted at as well.
(UPDATE 1/31/15 8:57EST) Game of Thrones posted the official trailer on their Facebook page shortly after the leak. If you wish to watch it in a less blurry form, check out the video below – which a fan reuploaded to YouTube – or on the Game of Thrones Facebook page.

Original story: 
The two-minute teaser gives us a glimpse into the fate of almost every character that was left up in the air at the end of Game of Throne’s fourth season. What happened to Tyrion? How are Jamie and Cersei doing with that whole incest thing? Does Arya find Needle? Is Littlefinger still being creepy? Is Stannis still the man-nis? Just how many ways can Jon Snow stand heroically while the camera slow pans around him? All of that and more appears to be coming in Season Five.
There are several noticeable pieces of imagery that book readers will recognize, especially when it comes to Arya’s current location in the HBO series.
The IMAX showing where this trailer comes from, as we reported on previously, is a special event where two episodes from season four are digitally re-mastered using IMAX Digital Re-mastering technology and shown along with the now-leaked trailer.
Game of Thrones Season Five is set to kick off on April 12th on HBO, followed by Silicon Valley and Veep. 
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Last Updated on January 12, 2019.


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