Smash Bros. Wii U Update Adds 15 New Stages To 8-Player Mode


Super Smash Bros.’ chaotic 8-player is about to get a whole lot better. With this latest 1.02 Super Smash Bros. Wii U update, Nintendo is making an additional 15 stages playable for you and your seven friends (or seven amiibo figures). The update is available now and should trigger the next time you boot up Smash Bros. Wii U. 

Regular 8-Player Stages:

  • Mario Circuit (from Brawl)
  • Luigi’s Mansion
  • Pyrosphere
  • Norfair
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Pokémon Stadium 2
  • Town and City
  • Smashville
  • Wii Fit Studio

As well as those nine standard maps, six other 8-player maps are getting their own Omega versions, losing all the clutter and letting you get straight to the business of dashing and kicking your way to victory.

Omega Stages:

  • Town and City
  • Mario Circuit (from Brawl)
  • Pokémon Stadium 2
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Mario Galaxy
  • The Great Cave Offensive

Smash Bros Wii U is a big reason that Nintendo is in a good spot going forward, and it’s likely to receive constant updates, although creator Masahiro Sakurai has stated that none of those updates will be balance updates. The next big addition to the game will likely be when Mewtwo joins the roster later in the spring. The legendary Pokémon can be downloaded by anyone who registers a copy of both the 3DS and Wii U versions of Smash Bros. before March 31st.
Are you excited for the Smash Bros Wii U update? Let us know in the comments below, or on Google+, Facebook, or Twitter.
[button type=”link” link=”” variation=”btn-danger” target=”blank”]Source: Nintendo[/button][button type=”link” link=”” variation=”btn-danger” target=”blank”]Purchase: Smash Bros. Wii U on Amazon[/button]

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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