Robert Downey Jr. On Captain America: Civil War: "It's Steve's Story"

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Compared to what is coming in Phase 2 of the Marvel cinematic universe, we’ll be looking back on Phase 1 as a joyous time when Earth’s mightiest heroes were romping around New York City giggling and fighting bad guys and taking friendly breaks for some shawarma. Robert Downey Jr. talked with Empire Magazine about Iron Man’s role in Captain America: Civil War, one of the films that will be setting up the violent conflict within The Avengers.
The main theory that pops up when talking about Civil War is that it will be good guy Captain America against bad guy Iron Man. According to Downey Jr. that isn’t necessarily the case.

I wouldn’t put it that way. Ultimately it’s Steve’s story; it doesn’t say ‘Iron Man 4: Civil War’. I think that’s great too.

Given the boisterous and charming personality that both Tony Stark and Robert Downey Jr. have, it’s not hard for them overtake a movie on purpose or otherwise. There’s a reason that Iron Man is the only Avenger with three solo movies, the same reason that Downey Jr. makes considerably more than the other actors – it sells. Downey Jr. doesn’t come right out and say that Iron Man will only play a minor role, but that could very well end up being the case if he (and/or Captain America) is meant to die in Civil War or Infinity War: Part 1 in 2018.
As far as what role Steve Rodgers will play in the film and the cinematic universe going forward, Robert Downey Jr. recalls the first Avenger’s comic book origins.

I think Chris [Evans] has been hungry to bring even more of an underside and some shadow to that. I remember the comics – on the surface you got the sense that Cap was baseball and apple pie, but underneath there was all this churning stuff of being a man out of time. Now we know he’s made his peace with that. What’s the bigger issue? It can have a little something to do with the past, but it can be about someone becoming more modernised in their own conflict.

And finally, Downey Jr. hints that we’ll be seeing the first clues of a rift between the heroes in the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron which releases this May. The Avengers and their pursuit of more advanced weaponry, culminating in the appearance of Ultron (voiced by James Spader), is likely the driving force between the internal strife. Nothing is for certain, but it may even manage to wrangle some of the spotlight away from Tony Stark and Iron Man for a brief time.

The clues are in Ultron about where we might find him next, but what would it take for Tony to completely turn around everything he’s stood for, quote-unquote, because he was the right-wing guy who could still do his own thing. The idea of Tony being able to march into Washington and say, ‘I’ll sign up’, wouldn’t have made sense if the political climate in the real world hadn’t shifted the way it has. It’s a little bit of things following a real world continuum in, ‘What would you do?’ You have to figure, ‘Were you to ask the question, what would the American government do if this were real? Wouldn’t it be interesting to see Tony doing something you wouldn’t imagine?

[button type=”link” link=”″ variation=”btn-danger” target=”blank”]Source: Empire Online[/button]

Last Updated on November 28, 2018.


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