SNL's Net Neutrality Sketch Was Suprisingly On Point


Whether or not you feel that the Internet being classified as a Title II utility is good for users, one things is for sure – a lot people have no idea what they are talking about. News broadcasters eager to report on the news gave half-baked analyses of the reclassification throughout the week once the move was announced, often times completely missing on points, or just plain misrepresenting important issues. SNL’s net neutrality sketch from last night took advantage of this and delivered a surprisingly on point riff of the news throughout the week.
It has all the typical players you’d expect in any discussion involving panelists who have no idea what they are talking about exaggerated to the furthest points, naturally. There’s the guy who really wants to sound like he knows what he’s talking about but ends up flubbing all the terms, one panelist making connections to other stories that have nothing to do with each other, and of course porn. Everything done with the Internet has to do with porn.
The bit ends by giving the founding father of the Internet the chance to do something we’ve always wanted to do.
Check out the sketch in its entirety below.

Last Updated on January 12, 2019.


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