With the arrival of the Nexus 6 last fall, Android users were ecstatic to get their hands on Google’s latest version of Android (Lollipop) on a brand new shiny device. The Nexus 6 which was manufactured by Motorola (previously owned by Google and now Lenovo) received high marks for its new design. Granted, it still basically looks like a 2nd Gen Moto X on steroids with its monster qHD display of 5.96 inches. All that aside, it still is the Android device to own for Android developers, fanatics, or just those people who are tired of skins bogging down Android. Yes I am looking at you LG, HTC, and Samsung. But with all its glory upon release and the new update to Android 5.1, it seems that it’s not too soon to start the rumor mill from talking about the next Nexus phone to come out, likely this fall.
There is now talk on the internet that Google has been in talks with the Chinese manufacturer Huawei to build the next Nexus phone. As can been seen over at GizmoChina it appears to Kevin Yang who is the Director of China Research at iSuppli, that Google has indeed given the nod to Huawei to build the upcoming Nexus 8. While Google has made no official statement to the validity of this rumor, time will tell if it is indeed true. There has also been speculation over at SlashGear that the device could be based off of their Honor 6 Plus line which may not be a bad thing mind you. Rumor mill news aside, what do you think about this? Would you want Huawei to build the new Nexus? Or would you rather have Motorola take another crack at it? Or maybe go old school and have HTC bring back some of the glory days (ahh the Nexus One). In any event, rumors are rumors so please take this article as that. Let us know in the comments below, or on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter. Who do YOU want to see make the Nexus 8?
[button link=”http://www.gizmochina.com/2015/03/04/huawei-next-nexus-maker-confirms-kevin-yang-isuppli/” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: GizmoChina[/button][button link=”http://www.slashgear.com/huawei-nexus-8-is-this-googles-future-27370849/” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: SlashGear[/button]Featured Image Courtesy of SlashGear
Last Updated on November 27, 2018.
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