
T-Mobile Uncarrier 9.0 To Offer Businesses Competitive Mobile Plans


T-Mobile is a company that has been consistently stepping up its game for the past few years. They have been making things more customer centric, with aggressively competitive pricing of plans and kind of ridiculous perks, like the new Data Stash which lets you roll data over from the previous months. At the T-Mobile Uncarrier 9.0 event today, T-Mobile announced its decision to ramp up their presence in the market of mobile providers for businesses, one which AT&T and Verizon have significant control over. The service targets companies who provide mobile service for their employees. The plan will cost $10 per line for 1000 lines and up, and will cost $15 dollars per line for anything under 1000. All the lines will have unlimited talk and text as well as a gigabyte of data. Verizon offers similar pricing but with less straight forward options, something that is integral in T-Mobile’s business strategy.


While competition in providing mobile networks to businesses is large and quite competitive, T-Mobile is coming on strong. It only holds about 3 percent of the current market, so they truly are the underdog. In the consumer market T-Mobile holds the 4th largest market share of Sprint, AT&T, and Verizon, but hopes to surpass Sprint in the near future. With the moves they are making, they probably will.

In terms of the business market, the only direction is up for T-Mobile, however the biggest obstacle for them is to convince businesses that moving their entire system to a new service provider is worth it. Cost effectiveness may be the reason businesses come, but to make them stay, T-Mobile has to be more that cheap, they have to be reliable. Otherwise, businesses will go right back where they came from and never look back. T-Mobile is confident though, and is sticking its plucky neck out, ready to take on some of the big kids on the block, so let’s see what happens. Let’s hope they don’t embarrass themselves.


Do you think T-Mobile is going to succeed providing businesses with mobile services? Let us know in the comments or on social media!

[button link=”http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/03/18/t-mobile-aims-to-make-phone-plans-easier-for-businesses/?_r=0″ icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: New York Times[/button]

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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