The Witcher 3 Save Bug And Game Rescuing Workarounds


If you’re playing CD Projekt Red’s excellent The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt on Xbox One, then you need to be aware of a possible problem with saving.

A number of sources have reported difficulties ranging from a simple inability to save, to the game hanging at the first loading screen. Some reports specifically link the problem to continuing to play after a period of having the game suspended. Extremely poor performace seems to be a common symptom after waking up.

I have peronally had this problem; after waking the game, the framerate was very poor and uneven and upon rebooting the game, I got as far as the first screen, pressed ‘A’ and got no further.

CD Projekt Red is aware of the issue and they are working to produce a fix as soon as possible. Happily, in the mean time, there seem to be some effective ways to fix and mitigate most occurrances of this bug.

Firstly, even if you haven’t suffered from this bug, you should make sure to close the game after each session and start it fresh when you want to play again. This should reduce the risk of suffering the bug in the future.

If your Xbox is hanging when trying to load the game, you should perform a hard reset to clear the cache. Shut the machine down, unplug the power pack from the back of the console and wait for two minutes for all those capacitors to properly discarge. Now boot your Xbox up as usual and – fingers crossed – everything should start up just fine*.

Lastly, if clearing the cache doesn’t fix it, there is one more suggested work around, but it does come with a risk of lost data. Provided you have cloud-saving properly enabled and functioning, then you can delete all local save data via the sysytem settings menu and let the Xbox Live network refresh your saves from the cloud next time you run the game. Obviously, if you don’t have cloud backups, this can’t work, so be careful!

Fingers crossed you don’t have this problem at all, but if you do, we hope one of these solutions helps you out! If you have more information for us, or your own succesful work arounds, please leave a comment below!

*This is the process I used and the game loaded my most recent save perfectly afterwards. Unfortuntely, as with any IT problem, YMMV, but it’s a good place to start.

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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