Doctor Who Goes Disney… Sort Of


Grab your sonic screwdrivers, your favorite Ten action figure, and your kids, because British sci-fi fan favorite Doctor Who is available to watch on DisneyXD right now!

Or, at least some of it is.

Season two of the show began airing on Disney’s other other channel back in May, just finishing up last week. Three and four are set to air sometime later this summer. Season one…..just didn’t happen. For some reason, Disney is only airing the Tennant era of the show. (Poor Christopher Eccleston…always getting left out)

When I first was informed of Doctor Who‘s airing on American television, I was skeptical. Why would it air on Disney, when BBC America already runs episodes as often as they are allowed? The answer: new viewers. Disney markets their XD channel as ‘family-friendly’ shows focusing on attracting the attentions of boys ages 6 to 11. By airing seasons two, three and four, both Disney and BBC are likely to gain new viewers as kids get involved in the space adventures of David Tennant’s Doctor, one of the most popular regenerations of the entire series.

The only flaw I noticed with this collaboration between Disney and BBC is the whole ‘family-friendly’ aspect. Now, I love Doctor Who, and I would totally show it to my little sister if I saw it playing on a Disney channel. But she’s sixteen. And the first time I saw Doctor Who on in my house, it wasn’t her watching it. It was my little brother, who’s four. And he was watching “The Satan Pit” episode – you know, the one featuring the GIANT MONSTER OF FLAMES AND NIGHTMARES? Yeah, that was a great idea before bed…

Still, accidental toddler viewers aside, this could be an opportunity for BBC to take their show to a new audience. Whether they will end up getting permission to run all the season is still up in the air, but I’m guessing a lot will depend of audience ratings and viewer response to this summer’s run of the show.

What do you think? Is DisneyXD’s newest addition to their lineup a good idea? Should they add in the other seasons? Let us know what you think in the comments!

[button type=”link” link=”” variation=”btn-danger” target=”blank”]Source: Variety[/button]

Last Updated on January 12, 2019.


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