Paul Feig Teases New Uniforms For Upcoming Ghostbusters Reboot


A few hours ago, Paul Feig, known for directing the comedy films Bridesmaids, The Heat, and most recently Spy, released an image of the new outfits for his forthcoming Ghostbusters reboot via Twitter:

Along with the hashtag, “#whatyougonnawear”, each uniform has a tab attached to it displaying the surnames of the film’s leads – that being Leslie Jones, Kate McKinnon, Kristen Wiig, and Melissa McCarthy respectively. In comparison to the original uniforms, the rebooted outfits appear to come in a darker shade of brown and seem to have reflective orange streaks across both arms, akin to firefighter outfits. Despite the minor changes, they’ve decided to retain the iconic Ghostbusters logo patch on the side, which should put a lot of diehard fans at ease. As great as it is to catch a small glimpse of what is to come for the franchise, what I really am eager to see is a new iteration of the Proton Pack, or maybe even if this new chapter will completely reinvent the way that ghosts are actually captured. Update – ask and you shall receive!  Paul Feig has also just tweeted out a picture of the new proton pack!

It’s been over thirty years since the first film’s release, and it’s safe to say that technology has greatly surpassed the likes of the VCR and Walkman. It’s pretty strange to imagine that the Ecto-Containment System could potentially be downsized into a tiny bite-sized USB flash drive, but my guess is that they’ve got something of a much grander scale in store for us. We’ll keep our fingers crossed for another well timed Tweet from Paul Feig. For all we know they’ll be parading the streets with VR headsets, iPads, or even Roombas! …I’m totally hoping that it’s a Roomba.

Ghostbusters reboot Roomba
Ghostbusters Reboot Roomba?

The new Ghostbusters film is slated for release on July 22, 2016.

What are you hoping to see in the Ghostbusters reboot? Tell us in the comment section below or on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter!

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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