The Internet has had its fair share of rumours lately of a BlackBerry Android device coming soon. A new website has surfaced outlining a partnership between BlackBerry and Google to set new standards in enterprise mobile security for Android devices.
BlackBerry® and Google™ are working closely together to set new standards in enterprise mobile security for organizations deploying Android™ devices. New features are now available through Android and BES12 that enable organizations to further secure enterprise and personal data on Android devices, set new levels of hardware based encryption, and ensure tight integration with Google Play™ for Work, for increased application management, while delivering a consistent end-user and management experience across their Android fleet.
BlackBerry has added Android Lollipop support to its BES12 (Blackberry Enterprise Server) solution which also supports iOS and Windows devices, and is aiming to allow IT departments to easily and securely manage Android devices within their enterprise networks. With BES12 and Android, IT professionals can expect:
- the lowest TCO (total cost of ownership) with reduced complexity, optimized pooled resources, and maximum uptime
- client-side lockdown regardless of device
- unified administration console
- world-class global support
- comprehensive EMM (Enterprise Mobility Management) allowing IT control over availability and usage of devices, apps, activities, and data through different deployment models including BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
- end-to-end security using industry-leading encryption, app-wrapping and BlackBerry’s secure global infrastructure to lock down critical data
Interested IT users can sign up on the site to learn more about the BlackBerry/Android enterprise mobility partnership.
What do you think about the addition of Android Lollipop to BlackBerry’s BES12 solution? Could this be another indication of a BlackBerry Android device coming soon? Let us know in the comments below, or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.
[button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: BlackBerry[/button]Last Updated on November 27, 2018.
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