The Deadpool Trailer Is Here And You Should Be Excited

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Like Lebron James and OctoMom in her prime, Deadpool keeps delivering. From teaser trailers, to trailer trailers, to a cameo in the Fantastic Four trailer, the antihero has stayed relevant in an atmosphere saturated with comic book franchises. Staying in familiar territory, the recently released red band trailer is a barrage of gaping wounds, meta allusions, French, katanas, and unapologetic sass.Standard warning – Red Band trailers include language and visuals that may not be suitable for all audiences.

Ryan Reynolds appeared on Conan last night to make the big reveal. The trailer is so NSFW the show’s rating needed to be ramped up to TV-MA just to make it possible to broadcast. Fox sticking to the redband version for a TV debut at the cost of losing some viewers is evidence that the studio is set on keeping the character of Deadpool as comics-accurate as possible in every avenue. It has also meant fans of the comics have stayed interested in the movie ever since the first test footage debuted online.

There are a few observations to be made based on the Deadpool trailer. It starts off with an interaction between Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) and his love interest Vanessa (Morena Baccarin) following his cancer diagnosis. There have been rumors this is the very same Vanessa Carlyle whose alter ego Copycat is. Seeing as how Copycat does not make an appearance at any point in the trailer, it’s possible she was passed up due to her superpowers being much like those of Mystique. The trailer also shows a confrontation between Colossus and Deadpool. That makes us wonder what the beef is about and where the ‘Merc with the Mouth’ fits into the X-Men timeline.

Fox has simultaneously released a greenband trailer for Deadpool with a special surprise at the end. For those of you who don’t like surprises, it’s a message for your mom. 

Deadpool releases February 12, 2016 in the USA.


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Last Updated on November 28, 2018.


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