Fantastic Four Director Says We’ll Never See His Version Of It

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Josh Trank has washed his hands of the new Fantastic Four saying his version never made it out of the editing room. The director tweeted that his “fantastic version” of the movie would receive great reviews, but that we’d probably never see it. The tweet was deleted soon after. In other news, there’s a fantastic version of this article. You’ll never see it.

Trank didn’t reveal exactly what put the kibosh on his version of Fantastic Four, but it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to assume his ire was directed at Fox. The studio is known to be heavy-handed in deciding what shape the theatrical cut of their movies take, as director’s cuts have later shown.

Fox’s third stab at the franchise has played out like a Shakespearean tragedy, blighted by controversy at every stage since it was announced. Fans of the comic book series were vocal about their displeasure at Michael B. Jordan being chosen to play Johnny Storm/The Human Torch, a character depicted as being white in the comics. When the project went on floors, there was news of friction between the studio and Josh Trank. Reports of reshoots being scheduled followed. The saga has culminated at critics savaging the movie and now Trank’s disowning it, both in the week of its release.

If the initial reactions are anything to go by, this installment of Fantastic Four isn’t going to turn things around for the franchise under Fox. What’s possibly more disappointing is the hit Trank’s reputation as a director may take. His debut directorial venture Chronicle was well-received and a lot was expected of his second undertaking.

Fantastic Four opens today.

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Last Updated on November 28, 2018.


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