Google’s Gift For The Holidays: A Nexus 5X


Every year, companies like to gift a small token of their appreciation as a thank you. Google’s no different. Google’s gift this year, a Nexus 5X. Employees of the search giant are receiving this year’s Nexus phone, well, the smaller of the two devices.

According to a Reddit thread, Google’s gift comes in whatever color the employee chooses. However, if an employee is happy with their current smartphone, they can opt out of receiving the newest Nexus and a donation to charity will be given instead. Of course, Google is no stranger to giving out gifts at Christmas time.

In 2011, a Galaxy Nexus with a unique and customized back cover that had various Google and Android icons. In 2012, employees received a Motorola RAZR M, the original Nexus 7 or Samsung Chromebook instead of the Nexus 4, most likely due to supply issues. In 2013, Googlers could pick between the original Nexus 5 or the second-generation Nexus 7. Last year, employees were given an Android Wear device.

Apple’s no stranger to giving gifts either. Apple employees received a customized Incase backpack last year, while retail employees received earbuds by Beats this year.

We’re not sure if Google’s gift translates to other Alphabet employees are also receiving the new Nexus. Thanks to a new plan, Alphabet companies, like Verily, are charged when they use  corporate tools such as computing, marketing and/or recruiting — a move made to reduce spending.

Given these gifts cost money on one level or another, Alphabet companies may opt to do something a little bit more frugal this year, if they do anything.

Would you like a brand new Nexus 5X for Christmas this year? Do you think companies should spend some cash to give gifts for their employees? Let us know on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter. If you don’t want to do that, you can always hit us up in the comments section below.

[button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source:9to5 Google[/button]

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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