BlackBerry Launching The Priv In India January 28th


The BlackBerry Privir?source=bk&t=techaeris 20&bm id=default&l=ktl&linkId=088e187dd2bc54d54343e823a0c8167e& cb=1453207633167 has been out for a few weeks now and it’s met with mixed reaction from users and reviewers alike. The Priv is BlackBerry’s attempt to reinvigorate the BlackBerryir?source=bk&t=techaeris 20&bm id=default&l=ktl&linkId=247957f9a7b563f115c198eb755ed2c4& cb=1453207621263 brand and attract new users and perhaps bring back old users. Now that the Priv has been launched in the US and other countries it’s India’s turn to buy the device. BlackBerry has announced that the Priv will be going on sale in India on January 28th at an estimated price of Rs 47,000 (estimated from the US price of $699 USD).

The Priv looks to be a solid phone on the hardware side with a slightly modified version of Android Lollipop inside. We have yet to review the device though we did get a chance to play with it at CES 2016 and we walked away impressed with the initial hardware play. The physical keyboard argument is still a hot button topic among users with some scoffing at the need for such a thing while others absolutely love having the option.

It will be interesting to see how well BlackBerry does in India with their new Android device. Many have suggested that BlackBerry may have overpriced the device here in the US and it should have been priced closer to $549. The Indian market is saturated with a lot of great budget Android phones which will prove to be a hurdle for BlackBerry to leap over. We’re still waiting on our review unit to arrive from BlackBerry and once we have that, we’ll give our opinion on if this phone is worth it.

Do you live in India? Are you planning on buying a BlackBerry Priv? How do you feel about the price? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Facebook and Twitter.

[button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Indian Express[/button]

Last Updated on January 23, 2017.


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