
Google Destinations Helps You Plan Your Next Vacation


I have good things and I have bad things to say about Google and today is a good day with the introduction of Google Destinations. Google Destinations is a quick and simple way to search and plan your next vacation without needing to have a separate app for that. No need to have the Hotwire app, Priceline app or other similar apps here, just simply use Google and Google will assemble the vacation you’re looking for complete with booking options and pricing. Check out Google’s demo video below to see the process in action.

One of the most helpful features of Google Destinations is the itinerary option that allows you to see other user’s experiences and perhaps plan around those suggestions. If you’ve never been to a destination having the opinion and input of someone who has been there could be the make or break of your vacation.

The company says the goal is to put travel search and planning “on the device you use most” — also known as your smartphone. But travelers are already using their phones for planning (and more and more for booking), so perhaps what Google is really after is keeping all travel search and planning to itself.

It’s a pretty nice feature to have baked into Google search which saves you from downloading other apps, unless you feel those other services provide better results and value. But it’s always great to have options and even if you love Priceline, Hotwire, and others, it can’t hurt to check out what Google’s offering could do for you.

What do you think of Google Destinations? Something you would use? No thanks I like my current vacation app already? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter,  Facebook and Google+.

[button link=”http://mashable.com/2016/03/09/destinations-on-google/#QsMP4d4ua5qw” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Mashable[/button]

Last Updated on January 23, 2017.


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