Norway Close To Banning New Sales Of Gas-Powered Cars By 2025


Living in America, it can sometimes be difficult to believe that politicians are actually able to agree on anything. Norway has had a bit more cooperation in that regard lately, and it’s been reported that the country’s government have nearly come to an agreement that would ban the sale of new gas-powered cars as soon as 2025. It was initially reported that the deal had been struck between the four political parties, but recent updates have shown that an agreement is close, but not quite finished.

The deal, if completed, would be one of the most aggressive timelines to move to an all-electric fleet of vehicles. India is currently discussing a similar legislation to ensure its fleet is all electric by 2030, and the Netherlands want to enact a similar ruling by 2025, however their government is far more split on the matter. Norway’s insistence on limiting gas-powered vehicles is even more impressive, considering the country is #10 on the list of oil exporting countries. If Norway’s law makes it into the books, all new cars sold in the county would need to be zero-emission in less than a decade. Thankfully for them, they already have a pretty big head start. Norway leads the world in Electric Vehicle adoption, with nearly a quarter of all vehicles currently on the road using zero gas.

For their plan to work though, they’re going to need some help. They can decree that no gas-powered cars can be sold, but they will need automakers to ensure that electric vehicles are available for Norwegians to purchase. Most automakers have been working or at least testing their own electric drive trains, so a decade should hopefully give them plenty of time to test and ramp up production. For what it’s worth, Elon Musk was very excited to hear about the agreement, though this was also when it had been reported that the deal was already struck.

Maybe Tesla will lead the way offering electric vehicles to Norway. I’m sure they’d be happy to get started earlier than 2025 too. Hopefully the government can come to an agreement soon.

What do you think about the possibility of seeing no new gas-powered cars on the roads of Norway by 2025? Tell us in the comment section below, or on Google+, Facebook, or Twitter.

[button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Electrek[/button]

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