Hyperloop One opens new Metalworks facility in Las Vegas


While he’s given up this idea to the masses and has nothing further to do with it, another of the grand ideas of Elon Musk has taken another step towards completion in recent days. We’ve followed the progress of the Hyperloop since the beginning, and have been excited to see the various milestones that have been passed. Hyperloop One, the company that has picked up the mantle on all things Hyperloop, has recently opened a new facility in Las Vegas to tool and test various aspects of everybody’s favorite tube-based transportation system.

The facility, dubbed Metalworks by the company, is a 105,000 sq ft building in North Las Vegas. Metalworks will become the working home for many of the company’s 170 employees. The engineers, welders, and machinists working in this facility will create most of the parts for the full-scale Hyperloop test, dubbed DevLoop, set to begin testing in 2017.

If you’d like to see the very earliest stages of construction of the Metalworks you can check out the video below. There’s some welding, some looking at blueprints, some CNC mills, maybe even a scissor lift or two. There really isn’t a ton to see in the Metalworks facility quite yet, but it’s exciting to see the project moving forward!


What do you think about the future of Hyperloop? Are you ready to hop into a tube and get shot along at mind-boggling speeds? Tell us what you think in the comment section below, or on Google+, Facebook, or Twitter.

[button link=”https://hyperloop-one.com/blog/hyperloop-one-metal-works-now-open-for-business” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: HyperloopOne[/button]

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