Thor: Ragnarok details released including plot elements, Thor’s new haircut


We’re still months away from the November 3rd, 2017 release date for Thor: Ragnarok, but details are starting to emerge. Entertainment Weekly has some new details on everything from the plot, to character details, our first looks at Hela and Valkyrie, and clearly the most important part: Thor’s fancy new haircut. Spoiler: it’s short now.

With that vitally important detail out of the way, we can get to the real meat of the matter and talk about some of the plot and characters. We already knew that Mark Ruffalo would reprise his role as Bruce Banner/The Incredible Hulk in Ragnarok, though now we know exactly what he’ll be doing. We already knew that Thor: Ragnarok was going to have some Planet Hulk elements. But where Captain America: Civil War was pretty much a glorified Avengers movie, Thor: Ragnarok is going to be a spin on Planet Hulk. Almost literally Planet Hulk.

From EW:

Her [Hela] attack on Thor sends him to Sakaar where he is forced to become a gladiator and realizes he’s no longer super special. “[Sakaar is] basically where every wormhole across the universe dumps out its trash, so you get people from all walks of life with all sorts of incredible abilities and powers,” Hemsworth explains. “No one cares what prince or king Thor may have been in another world. Also, his strength is pretty easily matched with those he finds himself amongst.” Case in point: Sakaar’s most successful (and popular) fighter is The Hulk.

Yep, that is almost exactly Planet Hulk. Then there’s this…

Still, despite a title that references an end-of-days-type battle in Norse mythology, Ragnarok marks a decidedly more comedic installment for the series.

Really? Now, I’m not saying that this should be a Zack Snyder DC SRS BSNS style movie, but with a name like “Ragnarok,” you’d expect some sort of climactic battle that should, if sticking to the traditional definition of the word, result in the death of a whole lot of people. Those types of things usually aren’t particularly funny. We may still see that battle, but the Thor/Hulk buddy comedy described by Entertainment Weekly doesn’t really set the best expectations for any of that. Look, I’m going to see Thor: Ragnarok either way, I just hope this isn’t too big of a shift in tone for what I really hope is going to be a good movie.

At least Thor has a fancy new haircut.

Thor Ragnarok Entertainment Weekly Full
Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Cate Blanchett (Hela) and Tessa Thompson (Valkyrie) courtesy of Entertainment Weekly

What do you think about these new revelations for Thor: Ragnarok? Are you more or less excited than you were previously? Tell us all about your favorite Thor hair care tips in the comment section below, or on Google+, Facebook, or Twitter.

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