Photo of purported wireless charging module for the iPhone 8 shows up

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Wireless charging is just one of the many supposed features coming on the iPhone 8. There has been no verification that this is going to happen but there is this “leaked photo.” The photo below shows what appears to be a wireless charging module. The port to the left center is supposedly a Lightning port and the identifying marks on the circuit board have been blurred out. We’re questioning the validity of this leak as it seems strange to blur out identifying marks then claiming this as an Apple part. Check out the photo yourself.

wireless charging
This is the module that sources claim is an Apple wireless charging part. Courtesy Slashleaks.

While it does seem this is a legit part, I’m not convinced it’s a legit Apple part. Had the photo be taken with something else to show scale or had the identifying marks not been blurred, it may have lent more credibility. I do think it is possible that the next iPhone will come with a charging method that is wireless but that doesn’t mean this particular leak is the real deal. Business Insider has a possible explanation for the blurred out identifiers.

If the source was confident about the leak’s legitimacy, it would surely have left in as much detail as possible — though there’s always the chance the blurred portion contained compromising information that could identify the source.

wireless charging
the back offers a little more info but not clear to confirm Apple involvement. Courtesy Slashleaks

Anything is possible, but I’m not buying into this photo is a genuine Apple iPhone 8 part. We’re sure hoping that Apple finally integrates technology already seen in other smartphones on the iPhone 8. We won’t know for certain if that’s going to happen until September when Apple holds their Keynote to unveil the iPhone 8 and along with the 7s and 7s Plus.

What do you think of this leak? Legit? Fake? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.

[button link=”″ icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Business Insider[/button][button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: SlashLeaks[/button]

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