Junkertown is the newest Overwatch map

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It’s gamescom 2017 in Germany and Blizzard has revealed something new to everyone who attended the show: a new Overwatch map called Junkertown, home to Roadhog and Junkrat.

The new map is set in the outback of Australia where players will be escorting the payload full of gold and explosives from one side of the map to the other — like all other payload matches. The map itself looks pretty cool (video above) with gold lying on the ground (which may be a spawning point for heroes), broken down machines, and of course the outback. Without giving away too much of the video, it’s voiced by the “Queen” of the Junkers, a band of lawless scavengers.

The video below is a comedic short made by Blizzard showing off Junkrat and Roadhog’s plan to return back home after being kicked out.

The official description of the new Overwatch map states that:

Junkertown is an Escort map located in the harsh and unforgiving Australian Outback. Constructed from the remains of a destroyed omnium, it’s now the home to a band of lawless scavengers known as the Junkers, led by their cutthroat Queen. When they aren’t pillaging the omnium’s skeleton for anything of value, the Junkers blow off steam in the Scrapyard — a massive gladiatorial arena whose combatants fight for glory, riches… and to survive.

Even though Blizzard hasn’t provided any sort of release date yet, those who were at gamescom were able to play on the map before anyone else, but sooner or later the map will be ready for public test release, just like the Deathmatch game mode was not too long ago.

What do you guys think about Overwatch‘s new map set in Australia? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.


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