InADrive offers new method for operating a ride-sharing service


Ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft have become a popular city transportation choice for many commuters. InADrive is a new startup that wants to break into the ride-sharing market with a whole new way of doing business. The Miami based startup has found a new way to make money without it costing a dime to its users: ad-generated revenue. The company’s method is pretty simple:

  • Install the InADrive app
  • Sign up for an account
  • Choose your interests
  • Request your first ride
  • Recieve the InADrive ride time
  • Watch ads in the app on your phone during your ride
  • Reach your destination and you’re done

The company has also built-in some measures to help curb some cheats you might be tempted to take. For one, you’ll have to input confirm you’ve actually watched the video by confirming a symbol and number presented at some point in the advert. Secondly, you may be tempted to just close the app and not worry about watching. The problem is, the app won’t let you order another ride until you’ve watched the adverts from any previous ride.

The simple side of it is that Users get a free ride in exchange for watching Advertising Content in the length of the ride. It is very addictive since it is completely and absolutely free of payment and it provides all of the users of Platform with incredibly satisfying experience.

The complex side of it is in the monetization of the Platform with diverted resources.

Inadrive’s C.E.O. Seth Zivkovic had this to say: ”We were very excited to get InADrive into the App store and into the hands of all of its users and Tech lovers. InADrive has eye-catching graphics, and two different, equally important functions to explore. And best of all, it’s free! We are super proud of this App.”

It’s an interesting idea for sure. It could appeal to some people who’d rather not pay for ride-sharing but don’t mind watching a few advertisements. We are curious how the company hires drivers and if they’re screened beforehand. We also wondered how they handle the safety of passengers and liability and responsibility of its drivers. We reached out to the company for comment on these issues and will update this article should we get a response. The company isn’t operating just yet but will soon go live in the Miami Beach area.

We did get a response from the founder of InADrive, Sreten Zivkovic, indicating the company does have a screening process like Uber. Background checks are done, driving records and documentation regarding the vehicle are checked. Drivers are also interviewed prior to becoming active. InADrive also provides the regular mandatory by law commercial insurance for drivers that are working on the platform.

What do you think of InADrive’s business model? Let us know in the comments below, or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.

[button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: InADriveBlog[/button]

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