If you’re into mobile photography then you might check out the Honor Photo Cup

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Mobile photography is becoming a big part of the internet these days. Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and others all have users posting mobile photography works. The nice thing is. Given the power of today’s smartphone cameras and photo editing apps, you don’t have to be a pro. Just about anyone can create a brilliant photo using the tools in their hand. Honor is taking that idea and launching the Honor Photo Cup contest. Check out the announcement below.

Yesterday marked the beginning of the World’s largest sporting event. But today also is the beginning of the first ever Honor Photo Cup. Soccer involves culture, passion, and teamwork. This photography contest brings several elements together: mobile photography, culture, and competition

There will be several rounds just like the World Cup. Of course, there will be teams! This is only open to US residents but that does not mean you must represent the US or the countries that qualified. In fact, 16 countries will be represented based on your submissions and your choice of the country that you want to represent.

Each round will have a particular theme that your photo must coincide with. Interpret the theme how you will (within the terms and conditions). After voting is complete and we announce the teams to move to the next round, we will create a new thread for each round, also including the new theme for that round. So continue to check back!

For mobile photographers, this could be a fun event to take part in and get their work seen. Be sure to hit the link below to see how to enter, official rules, and other things you’ll need to know.

What do you think of mobile photography? Will you be taking part in this contest? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.

[button link=”https://club-us.hihonor.com/keyword.19/contest-honor-photo-cup-.2191″ icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Honor[/button]

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