DuckDuckGo accusing Google of anti-competitive search behavior

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Google was knee deep in the news this week as the European Union leveled a $5.1 billion dollar fine against them. That fine had to do with the E.U. claiming Google’s handling of its Android OS gives it an unfair advantage. Now, the search engine DuckDuckGo is accusing Google of anti-competitive search behavior. This isn’t the first time DuckDuckGo has called Google out. But given the big fine the E.U. dished out, it seems DuckDuckGo saw an open door to bring the issue up again.

The company is happy about the E.U. decision to fine Google and gave some examples of Google’s anti-competitive search behavior, including the fact that Google purchased the domain name. The company feels Google did this intentionally to confuse users and redirects to Google.

While from DuckDuckGo’s complaints seem legit from their standpoint, Google isn’t the only company that does this. Windows 10 users using Chrome often get prompts while browsing to switch to Microsoft Edge which is included as the default browser on Windows 10. Of course, Windows 10 isn’t free like Google Search is, so there’s that component as well. Still, it’s definitely not a practice limited to one tech company trying to drive more people to use their products instead of a competing product.

What do you think of these allegations? Which search engine do you use? If you use DuckDuckGo have you seen these “switch search provider” prompts? Have you ever considered DuckDuckGo? Or are you team Google all the way? Let us know in the comments below or on GooglePlus, Twitter, or Facebook.

[button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: The Verge[/button]

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