“Presidential Alert” test notification will be hitting 225 million devices this afternoon

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FEMA’s first “Presidential Alert” for smart devices will be taking place today, October 3rd, at 2:18 PM EDT. The Department of Homeland Security says that 225 million devices will receive the test presidential alert today. The alert will be simple and the test is only designed to see if the system works. The alert you will see will read: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”

FEMA is partnering with the FCC for this new “Presidential Alert” and it will sound similar to existing flood watch and Amber Alert notifications. Homeland Security posted a reminder on Twitter but for those who don’t Tweet, we hope this post serves as a heads up.

FEMA officials estimate nearly 75 percent of all mobile phones in the country, including major carriers, will receive the alert. There will also be a television broadcast and radio alert at 2:20 p.m. EDT, which has been tested for several years.

While users can choose not to participate in messages of missing children and natural disasters, they are required to receive presidential alerts, which are sent out at the direction of the White House and activated by FEMA.

Rules outlined in a 2006 law states that the White House can issue a presidential alert only if the public were in peril, or during national emergencies. The alert cannot be a personal message on behalf of the president.

FEMA says that owners of smartwatches may also get the alert on their wearable devices.

What do you think of this new “Presidential Alert” system being rolled out by the government? Will you be opting out of the alerts? Or do you think they serve a good purpose? Let us know in the comments below or on GooglePlus, Twitter, or Facebook.

[button link=”https://www.foxnews.com/us/fema-test-of-presidential-alert-to-go-out-wednesday-to-225-million-electronic-devices” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: FOX[/button]

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