Where is Xur and what is he selling? October 26-October 30th

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It’s that time again for another edition of “Where is Xur, and what is he selling?” This weekend, October 26-October 30th, Xur is over at the EDZ, so spawn in and make your way towards him. Take a look below to see what exotics Xur is selling this week in Destiny 2.

What is Xur selling this weekend?

  • Fated Engram – 97 Legendary Shards
  • Telesto (Fusion Rifle) – 29 Legendary Shards
  • Actium War Rig (Gauntlets) for Titan Class – 23 Legendary Shards
  • Sealed Ahamkara Grasps (Leg Armor) for Hunter Class – 23 Legendary Shards
  • Claws of Ahamkara (Chest Armor) for Warlock Class – 23 Legendary Shards
  • Three of Coins – 31 Legendary Shards

Weapon: Telesto

Telesto is a returning gun from Destiny that was brought back when “Curse of Osiris” came out. This fusion rifle has two perks that make it worth purchasing if you don’t already own it. The first perk — Unplanned Reprieve — has particles that will attach to enemies and explode at a later time. The second perk — Harbringer’s Pulse — causes multi kills to reload your kinetic and energy weapons.

Titan Gear: Actium War Rig

The exotic item to get this week will be this chest armor: Actium War Rig for your Titan. If you prefer using auto rifles more than the other guns types out there, the Auto-loading Link perk will constantly reload your auto rifles for you. If you add a large magazine rifle like Sweet Business, this gun will reload rounds over and over.

Hunter Gear: Sealed Ahamkara Grasps

Another new exotic piece from the “Warmind” DLC are the Sealed Ahamkara Grasps gauntlets. The Nightmare Fuel perk causes you to completely reload your equipped weapon anytime you deal melee damage. If you’re one to fire at an enemy or opponent first and then finish them off with a melee, this exotic armor piece for your Hunter is worth using your shards on.

Warlock Gear: Claws of Ahamkara

The main perk — The Whispers — will give you additional melee charge, allowing you to take down enemies faster and move on to the next. It’s not the greatest exotic but if you’re looking for something that’ll give you more chances to melee someone, get this but if not, go ahead and skip it.

Be sure to join us next week for another addition of “Where is Xur, and what is he selling?”

Do you guys plan on getting anything from Xur this weekend? Let us know what you grab by leaving your comments down below, or on Google+Twitter, or Facebook.

Last Updated on February 3, 2021.


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