Russo brothers: Deadpool and X-Men joining MCU all but certain

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In a recent interview, the Russo brothers, namely Joe Russo, pretty emphatically confirmed that both the Deadpool and X-Men characters would be joining the MCU… at some point.

Granted, it already seems a no-brainer that these franchises will eventually make their way back into the MCU given Disney’s acquisition of those (and other) properties from Fox. Still, it’s nice to have some sort of “confirmation.”

Speaking at Business Insider Ignition, Joe Russo had this to say when asked about the merger:

“I’m sure of it,” Joe Russo said. “The acquisition of Fox is showing us where the future of the business is going to go.” Disney CEO Bob Iger has had a “historic” run over the past dozen years, he added. “We haven’t talked to him about when he is going to do it,” but enlarging the Marvel tent and cross-pollinating characters is a key aspect of the $71.3 billion deal.

Of course, given the hype surrounding a potentially imminent Avengers 4 trailer, the brothers were also asked to reveal the title of the upcoming movie. As expected, they declined. As for the trailer, the latest news was that the trailer would drop on Good Morning America this morning, following the new Captain Marvel trailer dropping on Monday night. However, that didn’t happen and the latest news is that the trailer will be dropping on Friday morning instead. Being the internet and the number of times the trailer has been “confirmed” to drop, I’ll believe it when I see it… on that note, it’ll likely be something to behold as the anticipation for Marvel’s wrap up to the third phase of the MCU is building ahead of next year’s release.

Are you excited about Joe Russo’s comments and insights that Deadpool and the X-Men are likely headed to the MCU? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.

[button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Deadline[/button]

Last Updated on February 3, 2021.


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