Fortnite Season 7 Week 5 challenges: Land, dance, and search

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The latest season of Fortnite is well underway and that means the Fortnite Season 7 Week 5 challenges are here. As usual, challenges are split between free for everyone and extra ones for Battle Pass owners. Those who have purchased a Battle Pass will get the free challenges with some bonus challenges for having the Pass.

Week 5 challenges


  • Stage 1: Land at Polar Peak (1): 1 Battle Stars
  • Deal damage to opponents structures (5,000): 5 Battle Stars
  • Hard: Suppressed weapon eliminations (3) 10 Battle Stars

Stage 1: Land at Polar Park

  • Stage 1: Land at Polar Peak
  • Stage 2: Land at Fatal Fields
  • Stage 3: Land at Tomato Temple
  • Stage 4: Land at Loot Lake
  • Stage 5: Land at Snobby Shores

Deal damage to opponents structures

For this challenge, you must deal 5,000 damage to opponents structures. It’s not a hard challenge to go after, but if you use a rocket or grenade launcher, you’ll get the job done much faster.

Suppressed weapon eliminations

Pick up a weapon that has a suppressor on it then find three opponents to eliminate.

Battle Pass

  • Stage 1: Dance on top of a Water Tower (1): 1 Battle Stars
  • Search chests at Wailing Woods and Paradise Palms (7): 5 Battle Stars
  • Hard: Search between a giant rock man, a crowned tomato, and an encircled tree (1): 10 Battle Stars
  • Hard: Eliminate an opponent from closer than 5m away (3) 10 Battle Stars

Stage 1: Dance on top of a Water Tower

  • Stage 1: Dance on top of a Water Tower
  • Stage 2: Dance on top of a Ranger Tower
  • Stage 3: Dance on top of a Air Traffic Control Tower

Search chests at Wailing Woods and Paradise Palms

As easy as this challenge sounds since there’s two locations to search for chests, it’s going to be a little crowded with everyone else trying to complete this challenge too.

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Search between a giant rock man, a crowned tomato, and an encircled tree

This challenge may be difficult for some, like most search between challenges, but to get this one completed, go in-between Tomato Temple and Wailing Woods to find the Battle Star.

Eliminate an opponent from closer than 5m away

Want to get this challenge done quickly? Head to locations that will have mostly opponents such as Tilted Towers or any locations that are part of other challenges. Just take out three opponents and you’re good to go.

Check back later for the Fortnite Season 7 Week 6 challenges to see what Epic Games has in store for all those who like getting challenges done first and then taking out enemies and claiming victory as the last one standing.

What do you guys and gals think about the Season 7 Week 5 Fortnite challenges? Are they easy enough to get done in a few days of grinding? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook. You can also comment on our MeWe page by joining the MeWe social network.

Last Updated on February 3, 2021.


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