DJI concerned they may end up on U.S. trade blacklist

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If you haven’t already been informed, the US Government is starting to blacklist Chinese companies goods from being exported to the U.S. or using components and services from American companies. It all started with Huawei, the smartphone and network equipment manufacturer, for alleged spying. Now, another company is concerned they could be added to the U.S. trade blacklist: DJI, the Chinese drone manufacturer.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security made a statement to American companies about the security risk of Chinese-made drones. No name was mentioned but one of the biggest drone manufacturers in China is DJI and at least 80% of their drones are used in the US and Canada.

This doesn’t mean DJI will be banned, but the company is closely following the negotiations between the two countries. A spokesperson issued a comment about the issue at hand.

“We do not have magic [to predict the future]. Like everyone else, we are carefully monitoring the ongoing negotiations between China and the US.”

DJI spokesperson

DJI also responded in their statement that its technology has already been verified by the U.S. government and businesses. The company uses image-transmission chips, which are mostly imported from the U.S. to give the drones great aerial photos and videos. On top of that, American local law enforcement and medical teams use these drones for their own operations. A ban on one of the largest drone manufacturer that has been previously verified by the U.S. is just silly, but stranger things have happened.

What do you readers think about the U.S. possibly banning DJI drones? Will it have an impact on DJI even if they are available in other countries? Let us know in the comments below or on TwitterFacebook, or MeWe.

[button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Yahoo News[/button]

Last Updated on February 3, 2021.


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