Infographic: Fun smartphone myths and facts

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What do you do when you drop your smartphone into water? Put it into a bag of rice, right? Unfortunately, this urban legend falls into the category of things that have been repeated so frequently that people no longer question them, and it just doesn’t work. We’ve all heard smartphone urban legends over the years, and while some of them are so laughable you’d have a hard time believing anyone else could believe them, there are some smartphone myths out there that are pretty believable or that were once true and no longer are.

Do you think your smartphone could cook an egg? This myth comes from a satirical blog post about how to cook an egg with two phones. Microwaves emit radiation and cook things, so why not a cell phone? Fortunately, cell phones just don’t emit enough radiation to cook anything, but if you happened to have 7000 phones you could warm an egg.

But is your smartphone dirtier than a toilet seat? Turns out this one is true. People can’t seem to stop touching their smartphone, and they go everywhere we do. While we wash our hands pretty frequently, our cell phones can’t really get the same treatment. But you can wipe them down with hand sanitizer or alcohol wipes to keep the germs at bay.

There are many different myths when it comes to smartphone batteries. Some are based in reality when it comes to older technology – old NiCad batteries could retain memory, so you used to have to completely charge and completely drain batteries to prevent this, but this technology is no longer in use. 

As technology changes, you have to keep up with the times. Learn all about smartphone myths and the latest technology that goes into your trusty sidekick from the infographic below!

smartphone myths
smartphone myths part 2a
smartphone myths part 3

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Last Updated on February 3, 2021.


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