Rafel RAT malware is no joke. Update your Android device now!

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Malware is one of those things that you do not mess with, especially if you want to keep your information private. Given our best efforts, there may come a point in time where you end up having to come face to face with the sinister viruses. Check Point Research (CPR) has identified multiple Android malware that utilize Rafel RAT (remote administration tool) and urges people to ensure their Android device’s applications and software are up to date.

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Check Point points out that the most targeted countries with the Rafel RAT malware were the United States, China, and Indonesia. Furthermore, the majority of victims had phones from Samsung with next in line being phones from Huawei, Vivo, and Xiaomi. The research company goes on to say that Android 11 was the most common version to get hit with Rafel RAT, Android version 8 and 5 next. Even with the most updated Android version, it’s still possible for malware to show up on your device, but usually requires more steps from the victim.

Steps Android users need to take to stay safe

Here are some steps Android users can take to limit the potential of malware being installed on their devices:

  • Install Apps from Trusted Sources: Only download and install apps from reputable sources like the Google Play Store. Avoid third-party app stores and be cautious with apps that have few downloads or poor reviews. Always check app permissions and reviews before installing.
  • Keep Your Software Updated: Regularly update your Android operating system and apps. Updates often include security patches that protect against newly discovered vulnerabilities. Enable automatic updates to ensure you receive the latest protections without delay.
  • Use a Reliable Mobile Security App: Install a reputable mobile security app that offers real-time protection against malware. These apps can scan for malicious software, detect suspicious activity, and provide additional security features like anti-theft measures and safe browsing.

At the end of the day, this is all common sense. If you want your things to work right, don’t sideload apps that aren’t directly from the source. That way your information is kept safe and you can go on about your life and not have to worry about being infected with malware like Rafel RAT.

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