Adidas miCoach Available On Windows Phone 8 Today



Windows Phone is pushing forward with new apps gaining the Adidas miCoach app today. miCoach is a personal training app and integrates with Nokia phones, Nokia Music and HERE maps. Microsoft released this blurb about the Adidas app.

Using GPS and real-time voice coaching, miCoach can pace you through your run whether you’re on a treadmill or pounding the asphalt on a backroad. miCoach does more, too, like tracking and analyzing your distance, speed, elapsed time, and pacing. And with the support of a compatible Bluetooth heart-rate monitor, miCoach can even track your heart rate and calories burned. As the Nokia Conversations blog notes today in its detailed tour, miCoach includes some exclusive features such as integration with Nokia Music and HERE Maps. Nokia Lumia owners also have access to voice packs from pro athletes such as Detroit Lions running back Reggie Bush.

Additionally, when using the app on your Nokia Lumia, you will get access to special “voice packs” from leading professional athletes that work with Adidas, including my personal selection Detroit Lions football player Reggie Bush. There’s something to be said for having a real athlete yelling words of encouragement at you while you workout.

Get more info and details on the Nokia blog, check out the links below.

Nokia Blog

Adidas miCoach Windows Store

miCoach Website

Last Updated on April 16, 2024.


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