Twitter Acquires Ad Specialist Namo Media


TwitterTwitter’s latest endeavor has been to find a way to seamlessly integrate advertisement with its services, especially its mobile apps. The 140-characters-or-less company announced today that they were acquiring Namo Media. Namo Media is a company that specializes in native advertisements and the deal, which was for an as of yet unspecified amount, seems to be an acqui-hire for Namo Media’s talented inline advertisement team.

Buying out Namo Media will help boost Twitter’s efforts to bring less annoying, harmoniously inserted ads to their mobile presence. Twitter has stated before that they are interested in presenting ads to mobile users in a way that compliments their browsing experience as opposed to being glaring, irritating ads that stand apart from the rest of the app. Bringing Namo Media into the fold will certainly help them move closer to that goal.

You can read Twitter’s press release below, followed by Namo Media’s press release after that.

Twitter Press Release

Welcoming Namo Media to the Flock

We’re excited to let you know we’ve agreed to acquire Namo Media! Since we acquired MoPub last October, we have been working to bring native ads to mobile app publishers in order to create a more seamless and less intrusive ad experience for users. We believe strongly that all app developers large and small should be able to monetize their applications without sacrificing the user experience.

In our conversations with the Namo Media team, it became clear we share a vision for how native advertising can improve the state of mobile app monetization for marketers, app publishers, and users. We’re thrilled to add Namo Media’s expertise and technology to the ecosystem MoPub and Twitter have already developed to continue building the best native ads platform for app developers and publishers.

See more on the Namo Media Blog here.

Namo Media Press Release

We are excited to announce that Twitter is acquiring Namo Media!

We started Namo Media with the belief that mobile banner ads don’t work for users, publishers, or advertisers. We saw native advertising as an opportunity for publishers to create better user experiences, generate higher revenues, and enable more valuable advertising space. We built an advertising solution that lets app developers easily add native advertising to mobile apps.

It’s because of that philosophy, and through our conversations with the MoPub team at Twitter, that we realized we’d be able to create better solutions together, so we’re making it official by joining the flock! At Twitter we’ll continue to work on building the best native advertising platform for app developers with the goal of continuing to improve the native ad landscape for all mobile app developers.

We’d like to extend heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped us along the way, especially our investors — Google Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz, Betaworks, Trinity Ventures, Susa Ventures, Chung-Man Tam, Kevin Scott, Garrick Toubassi, Ben Ling, Michael Levit, Tikhon Bernstam, and Paul Buchheit — and our advisors Greg Badros, Brian Balfour, and Russ Glass.

Combining our technology with MoPub will offer our current and future customers a more powerful platform to generate revenue, all while preserving an amazing user experience. If you’re an existing publisher partner looking for more information on how to take advantage of these future capabilities, we’ll reach out to help you transition to MoPub’s native ads platform.

Learn more on Twitter’s blog.


Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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