10th Anniversary for World of Warcraft Promises To Be Molten Hot!


Blizzard Entertainment today announced some of the fun that will be had for the 10th anniversary of World of Warcraft. The annual event usually delivers some kind of swag in the form of pets or odd toys/trinkets for use in game and this year being a 1oth year, they are going a little above and beyond.

The Wittle Molten Corgi (via blizzard.net)

Que the Dawwww! Behold the Molten Corgi. 

First off, the Molten Corgi.  A fun little fire pet in the shape of a corgi.  Expect parades through Orgrimmar and Stormwind of people and their little ball of fur fire.

Ragnaros (via girlsplaywow.blogspot.com)

Return to the Fiery Depths of THE MOLTEN CORE.

Speaking of fire. A new 40 man LFR will dive back into the classic Molten Core raid.  Ah, the chaos of LFR now expanded to 40 people trudging through the caverns of lava to face off against Ragnaros once again. Now if only they would do that for Onyxia so we can get an updated version of the Onyxia Wipe Raid (MOAR DOTS!) Personally, I will be doing this raid a LOT because there is a Core Hound mount up for grabs! (No pics available of the mount yet)

Tauren Hill and Southshore (via blizzard.net)

Tarren Mill vs Southshore: THE REMATCH !

Finally, we’re being told that we shall once again head to the southern borders of Lordaeron to the classic gankfest that was the Hillsbrad Foothills. It’s Tarren Mill vs Southshore in a classic rematch! The Cataclysm may have changed something but apparently Blizzard has other ideas, their post explains:

If you engaged in PvP early on in WoW, you might have fond memories of—and perhaps a few scars from—the endless tug-of-war between Horde and Alliance players at Tarren Mill and Southshore. To recapture that feeling, we’ll be opening a Team Deathmatch–style Battleground based on that timeless struggle. However, unlike the old days of Tarren Mill vs. Southshore, there will be a clearly defined victor, so you’ll need to work as a team or face crushing defeat.

This is a great time for Blizzard to try and get players back from limbo in anticipation of their upcoming expansion “Warlords of Draenor”. Just recently, the subscriptions numbers reflect a 800k slide in active subscribers.  Reigniting the flame by looking back on what made World of Warcraft such a hot item 10 years ago might just be the spark that Blizzard needs to get subscribers back on board for the massively successful MMORPG.

To see the details straight from Blizzard, check out the link here.  Don’t forget to look for the Warlords of Draenor cinematic to hit streets on August 14th.


[button type=”button” link=”http://warcraft.blizzpro.com/2014/08/06/world-of-warcraft-10th-anniversary-events-revealed/” variation=”btn-danger” target=”blank”]Source: BlizzPro[/button]

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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