Tired of Getting Destroyed in Hearthstone? Blizzard Wants to Help by Featuring Pro Streamers

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Blizzard announced via a blog post earlier today that they are going to begin featuring professional Hearthstone streamers in an effort to give new players a chance to learn some tips and tricks as well as give veteran players a way to keep up with the top strategies in the game.

Watching experienced players sling cards in live streams is a great way to learn new tricks, build better decks, and improve your Hearthstone skills to win more games. That might be the reason why streaming has become such a popular pastime for both streamers and viewers alike.

We want to make it easy to find the people who are out there streaming entertaining and informative Hearthstone games. Among these luminaries you’ll find pro players and skilled amateurs who all share a common goal—to entertain viewers by sharing their knowledge of the game sprinkled with a few laughs along the way.

First up in Blizzard’s carousel of Hearthstone professionals is Kripparrian. Prior to Hearthstone Kripp was known for being the first player in the world to complete Diablo III‘s Inferno difficulty in hardcore mode before the difficulty was dramatically lowered in a later patch. He has been streaming for five years and ever since his Diablo III‘s launch in May 2012 and his subsequent launch into Twitch stardom has been streaming 10 hours a day, switching over to Path of Exile for a while and settling on Hearthstone as of late.

Kripp’s stream can be seen on Twitch channel daily from 12am to 9am EST/EDT.

Blizzard themselves haven’t announced who will be the next featured streamer, they have plenty to choose from. I’ve complied a small list of some of the best streamers out there and, if they have one, a YouTube channel to help you on your way to finally get over that two-wins-in-an-Arena-run hump.

Reynad27 / Twitch / YouTube

Kripparrian / Twitch / YouTube

TrumpSC / Twitch / YouTube

Amaz / Twitch / YouTube

Tidesoftime / Twitch

Have any others that are your favorites that I missed and/or you think Blizzard should feature? Let me know in the comments!

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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