Surprise! Benedict Cumberbatch Will Be The Villain In Another Major Film Release


Continuing his never-ending quest to be the main antagonist in every major film ever released, Benedict Cumberbatch will play the evil tiger Shere Khan in the upcoming movie The Jungle Book: Origins. A live-action film presumably taking place before the popular story of Baloo and the jungle boy Mowgli, Brumblesnatch Cucumber and the unannounced crew of the Warner Bros’ film will be going up against Disney and their interpretation of the story coming out a year earlier.

Bendlebottom Culberwitch comes into his role as a vicious man-eating tiger just two years after debuting as the fire-breathing dragon Smaug in The Hobbit series, and two years after playing Khan in JJ Abrams’ Star Trek: Into Darkness. He is also known as the enemy of all criminals in his role on BBC’s Sherlock. 

Butterfree Croconaw in his role as Khan in Star Trek: Into Darkness (courtesy
Butterfree Croconaw in his role as Khan in Star Trek: Into Darkness (courtesy

The Jungle Book: Origins will be the directorial debut of the mo-cap man Andy Serkis – best known as Baseballmitt Cottagecheese’s The Hobbit co-star Gollum as well as the super intelligent ape behind the fall of mankind Ceaser in the Planet of the Apes reboot. 

As mentioned earlier, Warner Bros will be competing with Disney’s own Jungle Book movie and its star studded cast. Beezlebub Cankersore’s counterpart in the Disney film will be played by Pacific Rim star Idris Elba and will be joined by the likes of superstars Bill Murray, Scarlett Johansson, Christopher Walken, Luptia Nyong’o, Giancarlo Espisito, and Ben Kinglsey. Warner Bros has not announced their cast outside of Butterfinger Carrotstick so anything is possible, but it’ll be hard for them to compete with the massive list of stars Disney has compiled. That said, Cumberbatch is a great place to start. Much like his deep and commanding voice working great for Smaug, he should fit perfectly with the velvety tone of Shere Khan. 

The Jungle Book: Origins is slated for an October 2016 release, and The Jungle Book from the house of mouse is scheduled one year earlier in October 2015.

[button type=”button” link=”″ variation=”btn-danger” target=”blank”]Source: Hollywood Reporter[/button]

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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