Record iPhone Sales, But Many Not Even In Users Hands


iPhone sales have been off the charts once again, with the device selling 4 million units in its first day and that number going up to 10 million as of yesterday. But sales of the phone doesn’t equate to the actual number of people who have the phone. Yours truly is one of these and you will probably glean a bit of a rant in this particular article, good thing it’s under the editorial category.

“Sales for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus exceeded our expectations for the launch weekend, and we couldn’t be happier,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “We would like to thank all of our customers for making this our best launch ever, shattering all previous sell-through records by a large margin. While our team managed the manufacturing ramp better than ever before, we could have sold many more iPhones with greater supply and we are working hard to fill orders as quickly as possible.”

Tim Cook

Selling 10 million of anything in such a short amount of time is impressive but 10 million sold is entirely different than 10 million delivered. There are a good share of people who have not gotten on their shiny new toys and Apple is leaving the wireless carriers to deal with the backlash. Here are just a few (unedited)comments from a post over on Tmo news.

Ah, now I understand why my pre-order was mysteriously canceled. They needed to bump me (new customer) to for their existing customers. Great! Nice to know you don’t need me as a customer T-Mobile. Verizon is laughing all the way to the bank.

This is crazy pre-ordered Saturday card charged Wednesday but I want get my phone until another week I could have stood In line for this seriously. Got message yesterday saying that I would my phone tonight saying it would be overnight deliver but there saying I chose 5-7 business day so I’m totally confused

I’m so over tmobile. So when I tried to do my jump upgrade Friday it kept kicking me out. I called cs and told the guy and he was like he can take care of it for me. We processed the order and I signed the eip everything is fine. My boyfriend ordered the 6+ Monday and I noticed that his was showing an option to print the return label and showing his old device info online and mine wasn’t. So I called cs again and verified with some stupid ass lady that the order was placed thru jump and she kept saying yes then giving me info i didnt ask for like she was reading a script. So then I call tmobile to verify again and they tell me the order was not placed thru jump. Wtf!!!

iPhone 6/iPhone 6 Plus

As you can see there’s plenty of hate to go around. I attempted to order my iPhone 6 Plus on T-Mobile’s website using my JUMP eligibility on Friday morning September 12th. After hours of errors I finally made it through. I managed to get the phone in my cart and proceed to checkout where the system crashed. I waited for a few more hours, trying every 10 minutes to get back in and when I finally did, I made it all the way to checkout and had my credit card details all in and the site crashed again.

So T-Mobile and other carriers did have many issues with their ordering systems that day and there’s no doubt as to why. I finally was able to order my iPhone 6 Plus in store on September 13th where I was told I should see my new device on September 19th. I waited the week and even received text messages from T-mobile saying my iPhone was on the way. Fast-forward to September 19th and nothing. The stories across the web were the same: iPhone 6 (especially the 6 Plus) was back-ordered, Apple had not made enough to satisfy demand for its self-proclaimed latest and greatest.

While I am very irritated with this whole process I do understand why companies play the supply and demand angle (and I am waiting patiently), it’s a marketing strategy that helps sell the perception that their product is so hot no one can get it (literally). Apple plays the game well and they leave the wireless carriers to bear the brunt of the backlash (unless you went to the Apple Store to order yours). I just wish Apple was a little more honest with its figures. Say 10 million iPhone’s sold with 3 million delivered because we scaled back production. Is honesty too much to ask for? Or maybe we the media should report it as such rather than give our readers the sugar coated version? But then again, most of the mainstream technology media already has there iPhones LOL.

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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